The first thing on our to do list was to move some more TVs, refrigerators and other items from across campus to the location of the project. Just picture 5 well intentioned young adults trying to heave a 50" television up two flights of stairs and down a hallway. Now, I am not talking about one of those thin flat screen TVs, these one's are the old school TVs with the iceberg attached to the screen. In other words these things weren't light. Somehow we all manged to pitch in and get them all safely to the car and then across campus.
Of course the new items we had moved need to be cleaned first and the boys really stepped up to help out with the Windex.
The Next step on our To Do list was to take a photo of each item so that they could be publicized and sold online. Everyone took their artful turn at photography. In the end the project turned out really well and I am sure that many of these items will be sold quickly. All of the donations will be up for sale in the Reynolds Campus Center during the fall semester. If you are in the market for a fridge, TV or Ab Lounge be sure to be on the look out for e-mails about pre-sales.
Our first SummerCorps assignment as now come to an end, and what a project it was. At first the room looked intimidating but in the end we cleaned, cleared and organized our hearts out. Thanks to the team for being great sports who tackled mold, mildew and behemoth televisions like no one I have ever seen.
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